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Raiders! Forsaken Earth

Raiders! Forsaken Earth

Details: Video game
Developer: Creative Storm Entertainment
Publisher: CreativeForge Games
Platform: Microsoft Windows
Genres: Role-playing game, Indie game, Simulation, Strategy
Description: Raiders! Forsaken Earth is a post-apocalyptic single-player strategy game by the maker of the Age of Gladiators. The wasteland doesn't need another hero... Hire, manage, equip level up (and sometimes eat) your raiders. Extort, attack and pillage greenhouses, rock quarries, and other industries of the wasteland in order to gain the resources required to build up your forces. Interact with, loot, or capture settlements and industries, spreading your reign of terror - captured settlements will need to be run with an iron-fist in order to ensure they remain under your control. Combat local mercenaries and regulators sent to stop your rampage. You are the fearsome commander of the your raiders; the boss. Engage in duels, terrorize both your men and your enemies, and build your physical and mental attributes toward the eventual goal of total domination of the wasteland. Establish laws for your raiders and new society to follow. Duel regulators and wastelanders in the fight pits. Scavenge the wasteland for materials used in crafting and construction. Deploy weapons of mass destruction such as nukes, napalm, and mustard gas against the settlements of the wasteland. Manage your food, water, and beer while out in the sweltering desert. Kidnap hostages and either execute or ransom them. Discover powerful artifacts from the ancient world and exploit them for your own benefit. A fully dynamic and procedural generated map ensures each game is different. A running economy that you can disrupt and eventually conquer: the local industries such as farms, scrap haulers, garbage scavengers and more supply the settlements with resources, which in turn make them grow and generate finished goods - all for you to either extort or take through force. Build up your hideout, including holding pens for prisoners, a watering hole for recruiting new raiders, a brewery for much needed alcohol, a vault to protect your ill-gotten goods from internal graft, a siege factory for building city-breaching weapons, a counterfeit shop, and more. Capture specialists such as engineers, jesters, lizard hunters, bartenders, counterfeiters and more in order to build up your operation.

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